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Policy Officer, Unité Bioéconomie, industries chimiques et cosmétiques, DG Grow, Commission européenne

Theodora Nikolakopoulou studied Biology in the University of Athens in Greece and holds a PhD in Biological Sciences. Working as a researcher for 15 years she was involved in several projects, dealing with the environmental microbiology with a focus on gene transfer in natural ecosystems. She joined DG GROW in 2018 and since then is responsible for the implementation and development of the Fertilising Products Regulation, including standardisation. She also follows the development of other legislative acts relevant to the fertilising products file such as the animal by-products Regulation, waste legislations, REACH restrictions, Nitrates Directive and SAIO (Statistics on Agricultural Input and Output). Recently, she also became responsible for the detergents Regulation and has been following the negotiations on the revision of this Regulation with the European Parliament and the Council